Saturday 30 october as planned left the house around 10:30am in the direction one of my permission around 2OMiles from home, that Permissions are the two farmes together about 500 acres of land cultivated with oats and barley and woods, where you can find pheasants, partridges, woodcock, pigeon,roe, foxes and much more ...
But my departure this week will be dedicated to foxes and deer at the request of the owner who has experienced some damege, but i need no excuse .
Well arriving to the shoot my partner left me with everything else to spend the weekend and left, I got everything i need to spend a comfortable night i just need to get everithing ready starting the tent and collect firewood, because at the time was dry but wind and was suposed to change, ending with my duties I ended up doing a coffe in a small fire, as most wood would be for later,
I was not in a hurry was the neighbor of the next field was picking up the potatoes and the noise was enough so I had even more time.
It was now 3:30 and I decided to go for a walk with my .243 Parker Hale pair of binoculars and my bipod, leaving the Trees where i was base and started patrolling the grounds, with the binoculars and soon came across three white patches would be the rear of the deer, and I was only about 120y from the tent, but they would be about 700y from me.
At this point the wind was at my back was not ideal, solution would be to take a long walk around, And I did so on my way i was studying traces of tracks left by animals and found that there was one run they and other use allot i was now about 600yards from where i spotdem and about 750 of the tent, starting to make the stalking toget closer, that is where the heart begins to beat faster and blood starts to boil.
300y from where i had first seen them, but now had the wind in my face and I had spot them again 3, 2 adult and 1 (kid), i got my self up to 150y - they were between the trees and the field, I was now about 100y know i was close and my heart was beating really fast (I even could hear) and I think they did to , as to swerve suddenly and start move way from me, not to flee but in some pace most relax was the youngest, and seemed not to be in such a hurry, I prepared myself by supporting in a small-m tree and I shout (baaaa) he stopped and looked down at min, was about 140m and pressed the trigger I heard the impact and is 90grain bullet go it on the ground and I began to tremble with the adrenaline running through my veins, was pleased.
5:30 and was already starting to get dark, and already had clean and hung about 3 feet of the tent, I was not expecting anything else and had put the gun way, but saw another four crossing the field where i was. ( tomorrow is other day) ...
I started preparing myself for the night, already had everything in advance, so i light the fire and put some water for a coffee,i got some smoked bacon for a sandwich I was workin on my dinner wen the neighbor finnish harvested the potatoes, and was about were to leave when the tractor stopped and said 'you want some for cooking in the fire? Yes please', I had roasted potatoes on the fire with bacon roll end a nice cup off coffe in the end, It was like a treat.
Next day in the morning I was up By 6:30!
I made the coffee and eat a slice of cake i had brought, was ready to go, I wanted to go early because i hope of getting a fox in is morning routine.
I went to a diferent set of trees was a 800y+- across the farm,I get ther and seat dow in the hoppe something will come allong but no luck i seat there for about 2 hours I saw nothing. mean many pigeons crows end birds of prey but nothing I was waiting, I decided to change and take a walk.
I started to go slowly by some take me to the one were i arvest the one yesterday, I was slow with all the time in the world taking about 1h30 to get there, 'because this kind of game you can not hurry' I got to the same site where got the other when looking through the binoculars I see this deer in the woods about 150 meters from me and he was walking way from me , when the corner of my eye I see a furry tail, turn to wards it with the binoculars and see that it was a fox and was big I had seen and just jump the ditch that divides the land and i can not take the shoot, the suluction is caller in , so i tray,
I'd forgotten the deer was now 100% focused on the Fox, and she/he had not seen me and I was downwind, I took my time and and started yelling with my 'Foxcaller' She turned and started running to me, I already had the gun loaded and ready, she ran and stopped about 30y and I squeezed the trigger, soon after i look to my right and i see a doe coming from the woods stoping about 100yfrom me and 'Bang' was on the ground, and i had my first Doble .. .
I returned to the tent loaded i clean the second and took the liver i had brought with me an onion where it planned to make a nice meal if i was sussesefull, and that's what I did for lunch ...
The fox was un adult male and the farmer was more than happy, the deer was an adult female, was the mother of which had caught the day before, they are back together know, and I was pleased with the weekend, was about 12:00am and I was ready to return home.