Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Cock for diner. First outing after Xmas :):):)


It's been 8 days since the last time I took the weapons to the field, and I was dying for it :)!

Well now that Christmas is over and things are calmer I could not wait a day longer.

Thinking about what will be the best tactic, I start to right a message to my hunting budy Mike(MK4Mik on the Tube), i was righting wen my phone ring with the text, Asking "What are you up to? Lets go shooting? :)

"I thought we must use the same frequency:)answering ," yesterday it was already to late ...:)"

It was about half past one in the after noon but even then
i still load everything and anything to the car,never in my life I will use everything
in 3 hours of light, you know how it goes.

So i left the hose and will meet Mike there, but before arriving to the ground i decided to tray my luck with a neighbouring farm.

Talking to the owner who told me,
"I'll be more then happy if you shot some pigeons but you have to give me more 4 weeks in till the pheasant season is over"

I answered with one smile, oh yes:) I gave him my card and told him i will be back in 4 weeks:)

Leaving with un smile from ear to ear, its is massive farm and I know that by now will be just for pigeons but with time it may becomes something more.

My friend was right behind me now and we were close.

Arriving to the ground it was visible would be just a bitt of rought shooting but never the less, so we get ready and head off.

They were hundreds of pigeon but soon we took the first shoot they were gone, and i can't blame them :).

I told my friend let's tray here "i did shot a woodcock before so lets go", is a very wet peace of ground and if you look were you going you may miss the bird if you look a head you may get stuck...:)

Soon after a bird jump and i shout" shoot , shoot" he did't i did:) i saw it hit the ground and was a pretty clean spot evan then took us well over 10min to find it:)what a camo they carry!!!

A few more shoot to pigeons and we start walking again with other woodcock jumping i took 2 shoots but with no hit heeerrrr:)

So we decided to separated and my friend went down to the edge of the trees and i stay behind, soon after he shout "it's a dead deer here" so i start to make my way down i was getting closer wen other woodcock jump in front of me and this one went down and that was my bag for the evening:). 

I get to the deer and was a yong doe she ade no sigh of what cause of death apart of allot of shit stuk to the rear.

So i decided to peg it to the ground and leave it for fox bait ...

( Told the farmer of the find, and explain what i plan to do)

here you have it
The first shoot after Xmas

Best regards

Sergio Couto 